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主题 : Puppyhouse Testimonial
级别: 新手上路
UID: 120598
精华: 0
发帖: 0
威望: 0 点
金钱: 0 RM
注册时间: 2011-02-19
最后登录: 1970-01-01
40  发表于: 2011-03-09 02:57

He is very playful, hyperactive & 贪吃. Love fatty so much thanks ms julia for quality breed.  cny 2011
级别: 新手上路
UID: 120622
精华: 0
发帖: 0
威望: 0 点
金钱: 0 RM
注册时间: 2011-03-23
最后登录: 1970-01-01
41  发表于: 2011-03-24 00:05

I'm sharing the most recent photo of our precious baby, Baron.
He's brought much joy and happiness into our lives and we'd like to thank you for making it possible.
Thanks again and God bless.

From Baron Chan:

Hi! My name is Baron Chan and I am one very handsome dog. I am a super dog because I will bark and growl at any dog who misbehaves! Just like the time when I growled at that annoying black Rottweiler and German Sheppard for barking at me for no reason. I may be small but I have a heart of a lion! Other than that, I am a perfect angel and I am a clean freak! I will only do my business on my litter box and insist on getting my bottom cleaned every time I get dirty.  I love my Acana Pacifica kibbles, and I refuse to eat anything else! But my Mommy and Daddy take a very long time to prepare my food. They soak the kibbles with hot water for almost an hour and crush them before having it served to me.

I love my Mommy and Daddy very much! We sleep in the same room and I go to many, many places with them. Although a lot of places in Malaysia don’t allow dogs to enter, my Mommy puts me in my favourite travel bag and whispers to me to stay quiet. I stayed quiet and nobody knew I was in the bag, hahaha! I sometimes visit my Daddy at his airport and Mommy in her office in my favourite travel bag, yippee!!

I made Mommy and Daddy angry at one time. Although I was told not to chew or bite so many times, I chewed on Mommy’s favourite Dior watch until the black leather strap got disfigured. I made my Mommy cry. In addition, I also broke one of my Daddy’s limited edition miniature aeroplanes. As punishment, I was put in the pink basket for 20 minutes. My Mommy says if I continue to misbehave she will have me sent to the Bangladeshi security guard for one day. I am terrified of him! Every time when we leave our housing area, I will duck my head to avoid his gaze! Mommy also says I will have to be a healthy and good mannered puppy because in 2 years time, the three of us are migrating to Chicago. I can’t wait!

From Baron’s Mommy:

To all readers, I highly recommend getting puppies from Ms. Julia Kueh. From my experience with Baron, her puppies are not only healthy but extremely intelligent and with good temperament. Excellent genes are important in ensuring long-term results in canine health and livelihood. I can’t thank her enough for making it possible for us to have Baron. He is our pride and joy! Shower your puppies with lots of love, hugs and kisses and they will love you back twice as much.  
级别: 新手上路
UID: 120635
精华: 0
发帖: 0
威望: 0 点
金钱: 0 RM
注册时间: 2011-04-18
最后登录: 1970-01-01
42  发表于: 2011-04-18 14:42

hey julia,

amanda girl, now known as Elfie, is good in health and very clever.
And all 3 vaccinations are done. She is a happy growing puppy. Here
are some pictures of her. i hope she does not grow more in size. she's
cute this way. :)

thank you.

级别: 管理员
UID: 111
精华: -1
发帖: 7532
威望: 75500 点
金钱: 75870 RM
注册时间: 2007-12-14
最后登录: 2025-02-08
43  发表于: 2012-02-07 11:43

photos from冰雨 and caryn. Thank you.
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